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Music Café

Tourist souvenir gift wholesale

Are you bored about the classic tourist souvenirs?

All the souvenir shops have got similar tourist gifts inside?

Don't follow the crowd!

Do the difference and propone to the turists an emotional, cheap and mostly original souvenir!

Why mini guitars? Because music is an international and emotional language.

The most of the people loves music and the guitar is the most commonly played and loved instrumet.

So, have you got a commercial activity in a turistic place? Would you like to make customized souvenirs only for your company and for your market?

Would you like that your souvenir represents a tipical event or the specific features of your territory?

Our company can make a customized miniature guitars sovenirs according to your needs

Have a look at our catalogue and at the deep range of our gadgets.
Let yourself be stimulated by our items and contact our staff!

We will be glad to develop a project with you.

Your customers will be happy to have in their hands a souvenir that is the expression of the history and the traditions of your country.

Svolgete un attività commerciale in una località turistica? Desiderate realizzare un souvenir personalizzato che rappresenti un evento o il vostro territorio?
Sfogliate il catalogo Music Legends Collection, lasciatevi stimolare dalla vasta gamma di articoli presenti e contattate il nostro staff!

Saremo lieti di studiare e sviluppare con voi un progetto che possa portare nelle mani dei vostri clienti un prodotto emozionale che sia l'espressione della vostra terra, della sua storia e delle sua tradizioni.